Significant…you say!

What is Significant? A question that is asked all the time. About 5 years ago, I was asked this question at a women’s weekend retreat. What does significant really mean, I thought. Something of worth, value, importance, royalty? Webster Merriam’s online dictionary defines significant as “large enough to be noticed or have an effect”. I like the latter definition as we were born to have purpose and have an effect on others that we come in contact with. I learned 6 biblical principles at the women’s retreat that later changed my life greatly! Immediately after the retreat, I began a small group using “The Significant Woman” Facilitators Guide made by women, for women! This guide was exactly what I needed and God knew this all along. I recruited my close friends to take the discipleship course and later they became a part of the first Latina Women’s Conference in the South Orlando area. Little did I know that 3 years later the women that were in attendance at the conference are now using the same materials and have coached and mentored (disciple) over 200 women. I don’t say all of this to boast as I don’t want pride creeping in! I believe that this is a great place to share what God is doing in the Latina community! The women are growing spiritually and in numbers. What an amazing time to see God’s people seasoned and new to feel refreshed and hungry for what is needed in today’s society.
On of my favorite verses in which I share whenever I go and speak at the women’s graduation ceremonies is Psalm 139: 13-14 and Ephesians 2:10.
Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” and Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.
What a great reminder that there is a Creator who planned our life way before we could every imagine and that He has a specific plan in our lives!
1. What is your significance?
2. Why do you believe God has created you for this lifetime, this century?
3. Are you aware of your gifts, talents, or calling in your life?

More on “The Significant Woman” project to come soon! I will talk about how God has developed by gifts and talents in the area of discipleship, training, developing, coaching and mentoring Godly women of today!

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I hope you are encouraged and inspired by today’s post! God has bigger and greater things for you!



Shoes to Fill…A Very Tall Order

Shoes to Fill...A Very Tall Order

What shoes do you wear?

What are you called to do?

The other day my mom and I were talking about “vocation” and “calling”.
When I think of the word “vocation” I think of a plumber, nurse or a police.
And, when I think of the word “calling” I think of a missionary, a pastor or layperson.
What are you thoughts?
I’m trying to ask thought-provoking questions simply to see what others think.
This photo was taken a few months ago when I was doing my early spring cleaning and found these shoes under the bed. I know spring was just last week but I started early…call me a nerd (hehehe). Well, these shoes were left under the bed back in May of last year when my late sister was visiting us for 2 weeks and she realized she could not fit them in her luggage because she had just way too much stuff to take back home (this tells you I literally do not look under the bed often). So, she asked me to mail them after she left because they were her favorites shoes and were very comfortable and pretty. I never did but she never asked for them again either. Go figure.

I could never fill in my sisters shoes. She did so much! Her friend and co-worker text me about a week ago and I was reminded that many loved her and what she stood up for. I know she had a calling and it is evident by the responses of all those that loved her for they continue to send me quick text messages to let me know what a huge impact my sister has left in their lives. She loved God and loved people!

I’m sure you have a legacy you are working on to leave for your friends and family. But again I ask, “what is your calling?” What are you doing to fulfill your calling? We are conditioned to go to school and work on getting a degree to get a career and to work until retirement. At least that’s how I was taught growing up in public schools. But what is truly your “calling” in your life? Are you living out what God has called you to do? Jeremiah 29:11 say’s “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” And, I love the following scripture by Paul in Ephesians 4:1, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Paul is exhorting us to live a life worthy of the calling in which you have received. We have received a calling and now what do we do with it?

It’s March and I’m sure you are tired of going to the gym and eating healthy…maybe or maybe not??? I urge you to go to your list of things to do, your resolution list, your short-term or long-term goals and review, revise and rewrite if you have to. Stay on track and update what needs to be updated. God is a god of mercy and we have every waking day to start all over. Go and do what you are called to do!

Be encouraged! Be inspired! And, be you! God called you! Don’t delay! Get going!!!

What shoes are you wearing?

I hope this message has inspired you as it has me!

