New Year, New Goals, New Rules

So it’s a new year and everyone has resolutions that may be broken by the first of the second month into the year. What new years resolutions have you written that you may have already broken? It’s ok if you have broken one or two. Get back on them and keep pressing forward! We still have 350 days to cover. So let’s get going! Motivate, Inspire, Change Lives and Jump into Action.

Get your calendar, notebook, journal, dream book, or whatever it is that you enjoy writing your dreams and read what you have written and write some more!  I have realized there are times when you have to look back and review what you have written and achieved (or not) in order to see how far you have gotten.

One of my goals this year is to read more books that will help me reach my goals. I have already read a book by Terri Savelle Foy “Dream Big” and it has impacted my life greatly! If you do not like to read there is also the option of listening to podcasts  or audiobooks. Learn, learn, learn and move, move, move unto a better place, unto a better position, unto a better state of mind. The point is to move and not be mediocre.

I challenge you to get your hands on books, articles, attend conferences and seminars that will challenge you to jump into your destiny. Surround yourself by positive people. Take away the negative and recognize when the negative energy reaches your space.

This year, I am going to jump into action and no longer be a wimp or give excuses. I love the acronym that Florida Hospital has on their welcome card (laying on the hospital bed) when you are admitted as an inpatient or outpatient – CREATION.

C- Choice

R- Rest

E- Environment

A- Activity

T- Trust

I- Interpersonal Relationships

O- Outlook

N- Nutrition

After reading their philosophy, I was reminded that in life there should be a balance. At times, we lose that balance when we focus too much on one thing and then all others areas of our lives suffer the neglect.

So, time to get back in the game to focus and keep the balance going. What do you do when you fall off your list of things to do? What is it that helps you stay on track? Is it a phone app? List of things to do on paper? A planner? All are great and the best part is that you use  what works for you.

Live, learn and move on!

2016 will be the best year ever~
