New Year! New Goals! New Vision!

Writing is one of my passions however I stopped writing on this platform due to work! I was writing for work and had no more creativity left to write what was really on my mind. I had no time to reflect on my own and write my own thoughts. But…for 2017…I will write to my hearts content! I will write from wherever I am and write whatever comes to mind. One thing is for sure…I want to write! I feel I have the platform for it and I feel that I have a lot to say coming from an introverted person who wants to find the inner extroverted person to come out. 

What are your passions? Are you following your dreams and accomplishing your goals? Are you starting the new year fresh and new? I always start with a vision board and this year I found an app called My Vision Board that is easily accessible from my phone. This doesn’t mean I will not create an actual vision board since it actually helps to have one you can view daily. What do you add to your vision board? How do you make yours? Ideas? Thoughts and suggestions? What do you do with your previous vision boards? Do you redo, throw away or give it away? I think it’s actually fun to make a vision board with a friend or group of friends. Do you enjoy making it on your own? I think it’s also fun to make with your children instilling them a habit they can grow into as they grow older. What have you done with your children to create and share your vision board? There are some great ideas online but would love to hear your suggestions. Also, are you consistent with your vision board and what has helped to remain consistent? I have found that having others accountable helps a great deal to remain focused on the end result. 

Let’s make 2017 the best year ever! Go out and make a difference! Write a book. Travel to a foreign country or visit a city you’ve never been. Meet new, positive and interesting people every day. Smile or hug someone. Spread love and not hate! Love God first and foremost and love people! 

