Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

What’s that? It’s a bird, it’s a plane…it’s super…fill in the blank!

Many of us go through life with crazy shocking events occurring in our dysfunctional and quirky families!

We are either shocked or it’s of no surprise that they occur…but with God nothing is hidden, surprising or shocking.

He knows what has happened, what will happen and what will be!

Why don’t we trust Him? Why is it that we turn to others and not God? I know we’re humans and we all fall short of His glory but what happens is going to happen and it is how we deal with them that really matter.

What am I talking about? Nothing in particular except that all things happen for a reason. Do we know what they are? Yes, no and not sure because those are the only answers that we have in order to come to a conclusion. One thing is certain and that is that God is Sovereign, All-Knowing, All-Powerful and simply put He is merciful and loving and only wants the best from us! All we need to do is to acknowledge Him and His works. His plan is greater and already knows what they are even before we can think it.

So, think about it when a situation or major event occurs in your life and bask on the fact that God knew it would happen and also knows how you would respond. Take a moment to think about such things and the many ways you can react to them. Your response is what will make you a better person or not. You will be judged or not. You will be admired or not. At the end, you will reap the results. You choose!

Growing up, Arsenio Hall had a late night show and he was using the phrase “Things That Make You Go Hmmm…” and although his show was funny the things he would mention did make you think and you probably had a perplexed look on your face or it just wasn’t so surprising. Either way, it was how you respond that would make you think a little about the situation presented. But, that’s not what the real message I want to bring to you. I want to make you aware that many more things are to come in this world and we are not to be so surprised if you are a bible-reading, bible-loving, God-loving, church-going, devout Christian. Our generation will see many things and may seem strange but to God it will not be strange.

How will you respond? What actions will you take? Will you be moved? Will you take action? What are you praying for? Do you too have a heart after God? Let’s ask a lot of questions to be in the know. “People perish because of lack of knowledge” – paraphrased Hosea 4:6. Let’s pray and ask God for direction! Let’s keep our eyes on Him. He should be our source!

Be encouraged and trust Him for everything! He loves and wants the very best for you!

Proverbs 3:5-6



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