Do you EVER feel this way?

Do you EVER feel this way?

I have my good days and bad days but oh watch out when I feel this way (see picture). We are moving faster, rushing through meals and traffic as if the world is coming to an end. We know it is…but is your spiritual life like this too? I feel as though there are times where I skim through scripture just to get to the point. Don’t you? Or am I the only one here…help me out! This week I started attending my grief share class at a local church and it was amazing! I received my workbook and realized on Wednesday that I had to read through the next section and answer some questions. As I was reading and answering the questions in the workbook, I felt that I needed to slow down and really take my time reading and absorbing all that was written because I didn’t want to rush through my grieving period. I was taken back by how much the scriptures meant to me now much more than ever before. Have you ever felt that way? I hope so….that is the H.S. (Holy Spirit) prompting! Don’t you love it? Ok, so here’s my challenge during Lent: I am going to bask and absorb more of what scripture is telling me more so than ever before because even though we live in a crazy fast paced world, reading scriptures does not have to be that way. Are you in? Try it! You won’t regret it. In fact, you will feel more peace and joy. I’m thankful for these times of reflection.

Happy International Women’s Day and Godspeed~


Note: Picture was taken in New York City this past January on our way to my sister’s graduation ceremony where the school was paying tribute to her accomplishments. And, this little man is my nephew who has an amazing personality and already displays love for God and people!

One thought on “Do you EVER feel this way?

  1. I’m accepting this challenge, dear Cindy!

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