Your Grip, Your Grace – Tenderly

Heard this song today and thought of the many ways that God has a grip on my life! He loves me so much and cares a ton about me…and about you! Think for a minute…he actually created you to be here in this world…today (Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:13-14).
What you do is up to you but including HIM in your plans is even better (Jeremiah 29:11) because it says that you need HIM to guide, direct and take you on to the next best thing because HE knows BEST (Psalm 35).

Be empowered! Grow! Learn! Teach others what you have learned-leave a legacy!

Enjoy Jamie Grace and her powerful message in this song!





 At only five foot two she had a presence that filled the room

with arms outstretched like butterfly wings-

and her fingers certainly bore the painted bling.

Yet, in her arms you could resolve all things

if you only took a moment to believe in your dreams.


Her arms protected; her arms cradled your weary head,

and erased most of your heartache that filled you with dread.

She was the reason your tears went away and led you back to

your path if you were astray.


In her arms you found strength, comfort, and peace

and her guiding words put you at ease.

She never judged the people she loved and she never let your sins

stain the beauty she saw within.  


She was a Taino queen, majestic and fierce,

and being brave for you quenched her own fears.

So that she was able to take on your fight

as she embodied God’s splendor and all of his might.


You see, Brenda Lee is now that painted lady butterfly you see

flying there just out of your reach.

And if you just try to remember her smile

she just might land on your palm for a little while.

Her delicate wings outstretched towards the sky

but it is in Heaven is where she flys most high.

Poem by Jennifer (written for her best friend and my sister -Brenda)

(Used with permission-thank you Jennifer!)


2014 Vision Board

I hope this inspires you to start your very own vision board. I started my board last year but it is now in 2014 that I am beginning to fill it up with new goals, inspiration and dreams! Begin NOW! 🙂

Joshua 1:7

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.”

My New 2014 Vision Board

My New 2014 Vision Board

The Rock

Psalm 40:1-3 “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit,  out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock  and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.”

When I was studying at a Christian college in Virginia in my early twenties, I joined the Gospel Choir and I remember singing a song related to this scripture verse.  I could honestly say that God has definitely placed my feet on the (solid) rock so I can stand firm through many trials. He is the Rock and standing on Him allows me not to waver to the left or the to the right. There are many things that do not surprise me any longer! This has been my cliché lately. So, my question to you is “are you standing on the (solid) rock?”  “Will you keep standing on the (solid) rock?” “How will you act when your world is rocked by trials and tribulations that are out of your control? Psalm 40:1-3 has been my comfort these past few days.

Just last night, I was in my bedroom in silence and it felt so good after months of on going drama and chaos within my family. I embraced this silence and allowed God to give me the strength that I needed and oh it felt so good. He is my ROCK where I can stand, trust and know that He is in control of EVERYTHING in my life!

This week’s challenge: When your world has been rocked, changed, disorganized and in a frenzy, what will you do? How will you react? Will you get angry, frazzled, scared or will you pray, be still, or simply run to the word for comfort?

May Psalm 40 be just that for you! A place to stand on the rock and not be rocked because the Most High will sustain you and keep you firm.

Be encouraged! Be motivated! Stand on the ROCK!



My Role Model for All My Life

My Role Model for All My Life

A strong woman of faith filled with love, compassion, grace, wisdom, knowledge, sweetness, humor, wit and very sharp for her age – I call her MOM! ❤ Many that know her call her mom as well. This is my picture of the week! More pictures to come so stay tuned. Enjoy your Friday evening with the one's you love. I know I am! Be blessed and be a blessing~Cindy

“Though one may be overpowered…”

No one wants to be alone! I sure don’t want to be left alone! Do you? Well, unless I am alone in His presence or alone to think and get my thoughts together. Nonetheless, we all yearn to have some type of companionship.

Last year, I lost 2 important people in my life.

My divorce was final mid October and a little over a month after that I lost my sister. What a way to end 2013. You are probably wondering and saying to yourself “that is insane”. Yes, it is! But in the midst of this insanity I have found grace, peace and love. My husband chose to abandon me in order to pursue selfish things of this world. I’m not bitter! I chose to stay firm in the Word and trust in God’s promises for my future. My sister did not leave me alone…although it may feel that way at times. She did however leave a legacy…her precious daughter Sami who she adored and called Saminel, Mookie, Pookie and all the other cute names that you can come up with my sister used them too! She is 23 years old and is trying to figure out life all by herself in the Big Apple. My prayer in 2014 is that she does not feel alone in 2014 and moving forward. That she would continue reaching out to me and others for guidance, prayer and assistance any time she needs it. I love her and want to see her desires, goals and aspirations fulfilled.

In 2014, I choose not to be alone in my journey. I am including key people in my life that will steer me in the right direction. I am involving others to do the same. Make this year an even better year because you included others in your inner circle to accomplish the things God has called you to do. I love the stories of the women in the bible that did not make it alone. They were tactful and strategic about how they were going to accomplish their goals. I love the story of Esther and what she had gone through in order to become Queen. What a story! Read Esther when you get a chance and think to yourself if that was you how you would react being in her position.

Make a difference in 2014 and be light to all that do not have light. Choose not to be alone!

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Be empowered! You are mighty and strong!



what are you doing today?

what are you doing today?

I slept in today…the first is so long! It was well deserved. I worked hard and played little in 2013!

Today is the first day of the rest of 365 days in 2014! Everyone is pumped up and motivated to get their year started.. If we were like this 365 days of the year imagine all that we are able to accomplish! Some of us are driven that way and others well…let’s just leave at that. I think of the scripture that we read last night – Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” just before we brought in the new year and I’m reminded that God will always stretch out his right hand to protect me and to give me strength. I pray the same for you as you begin 2014 inspired, motivated and encouraged to do what your little heart desires to do! Be encouraged and keep seeking for His kingdom because as we all well know that God will grow our little world with many blessings.

Begin 2014 right where you are!
